SEismic Engineering & structural Dynamics Lab
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2023³â 05¿ù 26ÀÏ ÀϺ» ÁöÁø (±Ô¸ð 6.2) ¹ß»ý Á¤º¸
- Evaluation of structural performance under extreme loads
- Development of performance based seismic design procedures
- Analytical and experimental evaluation of structural performance
- Development of approximate analysis method for nonlinear MDF systems
- Calibration of existing design parameter based on reliability
- Seismic hazard and fragility analysis

Recent Publications
- Han SW, Cho ES 2024. A Method to Construct FE Model Simulating the Cyclic Behavior of High Strength WUF-W Connections, International Journal of Steel Structures, 1-13.
- Jee HW, Han SW, Lee K 2024. Three-dimention path-effect model to simulate ground motion attenuation on the Korean Peninsula, Earthquake Spectra 1-18
- Cho ES, Han SW 2024. A numerical model simulating cyclic behavior of high-strength steel, Advances in Structural Engineering, 13694332241252282.
- Jee HW, Han SW 2024. Simulation of ground motions in the Korean peninsula using a stochastic model with generalized inversion technique, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 22(5), 2329-2351.
- To QB, Shin J, Kim J, Han SW, Lee K 2024. Finite element analysis-based blast and seismic performanceevaluation for RC frame with retrofitted ENTA damper systems, Engineering Structures, 313:118300

- Cuong NH, Lee G, An H, An S, Han SW, Lee K 2023. Experimental evaluation of a vertical heat bridge insulation system for the structural performance of multi-residential buildings, Structures 58:105686
- Han SW, Kang MK, Kang HJ 2023. Seismic behavior of RC-SMF and IMF corner beam-column connections subjected to unidirectional and bidirectional lateral loads, Engineering Structures, 292:116563
- Han SW, Cho SI, Kim TO, Lee KH 2023. Moment ratio considering composite beam action for steel special moment frames, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol.47: 489-502
- Han SW, Kang HJ 2023. Seismic behavior of high-performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites columns with limited reinforcement details, Engineering Structures, 277:115419
- Cuong NH, Luat NV, Gayoon L, An H, Han SW, Lee K 2023. Experimental and DEM numerical analyses of the flexural and diagonal compression behavior of masonry reinforced with polyurea coating, Structures, Vol.54:1578-1592

- Choi KS, Lee DK, You YC, Han SW 2022. Long-term performance of 15-year-old full-scale RC beams strengthened with EB FRP composites, Composite Structures, 299 116055
- Kim TO, Han SW 2022. Seismic Loss Estimation of Steel Special Moment Frames Designed According to Different Analysis Methods, International Journal of Steel Structures, 22(6):1623-1633
- Cho ES, Han SW 2022. Cyclic Behavior of WUF-W Connections Predicted using FE Analyses with Accurate Material Hardening Models, International Journal of Steel Structures, 22(6):1645-1657
- Kim TO, Han SW 2022. New seismic design method to improve collapse performance of steel ordinary moment frames, Journal of Building Engineering, 50:104183
- Han SW, Hyun JH, Cho ES, Lee KH 2022. Efficient determination of combined hardening parameters for structural steel materials , Steel and Composite Structures, 42:657-669
- Han SW, Lee SH 2022. Cyclic behavior of high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composite corner joints, Journal of Building Engineering. 47:103892
- Han SW, Jang JS, Kim TO 2022. Assessment of the Effect of Diagonal Reinforcement Quantity on Seismic Behavior of Coupling Beams, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 26(16):8647-8669
- Jee HW, Han SW 2022. Regional Ground Motion Prediction Equation Developed for the Korean Peninsula Using Recorded and Simulated Ground Motions, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 26(10):5384-5406
- Han SW 2022. Special Issue on Advanced Methods for Seismic Performance Evaluation of Building Structures , Applied Sciences, 12(07):3505
- Kim TO, Han SW, Cho SI 2022. Effect of Wind Loads on Collapse Performance and Seismic Loss for Steel Ordinary Moment Frames, Applied Sciences, 12(04):2011

Lab News
- ±èÁö½Â, À¯³ª¿µ(¼®¹Ú»ç°úÁ¤), ¾ÈÅ¿ë,È«¹Î±¹(¼®»ç°úÁ¤) ÀÔÇÐ (2025.03)
- ±è¼öº¹, ÀÌÀÇÀç ¼®»çÇÐÀ§ Ãëµæ (2025.02)
- ¿¬±¸½Ç ½Å³âȸ (2025.01)
- Á¶Àº¼± ¹Ú»ç Çѱ¹ÁöÁø°øÇÐȸ 2024 Ãß°è Çмú¹ßǥȸ ¿ì¼ö³í¹®»ó ¼ö»ó (2024.10)
- ÇÑ»óȯ ±³¼ö, Á¶Àº¼± ¹Ú»ç 2024³â Çѱ¹ÁöÁø°øÇÐȸ Çмú¹ßǥȸ ¹ßÇ¥ (2024.09)
- ¼Û¾ÆÇö(¼®»ç°úÁ¤) ÀÔÇÐ (2024.09)
- ¿¬±¸½Ç ÇÏ°è ¿¥Æ¼ (2024.08)
- °íÇý¿µ ¹Ú»ç Washington State University ±³¼ö ÀÓ¿ë (2024.09)
- Á¶Àº¼± ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§ Ãëµæ (2024.08)
- °íÇý¿µ ¹Ú»ç Young researcher awards (AISC) ¼ö»ó (2024.03)
- ÇÑ»óȯ ±³¼ö, Á¶Àº¼±, ±¸¼öÇö, ±è¼öº¹, ÀÌÀÇÀç 2024³â Çѱ¹ÁöÁø°øÇÐȸ Çмú¹ßǥȸ ¹ßÇ¥ (2024.03)
- ÀÌâ¼® ¹Ú»ç È£³²´ëÇб³ ±³¼ö ÀÓ¿ë (2024.03)
- Ȳ±ÝÅÃ(¼®»ç°úÁ¤) ÀÔÇÐ (2024.03)
- ¼®½Â¿í ¹Ú»ç °¡Ãµ´ëÇб³ ±³¼ö ÀÓ¿ë (2024.03)
- °­È£Àç, Á¶Áø¿ì ¼®»çÇÐÀ§ Ãëµæ (2024.02)
- ÁöÇö¿ì ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§ Ãëµæ (2024.02)
- À̱ÇÈñ(±¸Á¶±â¼ú»ç) CJ ´ëÇÑÅë¿î °ÇÃ౸Á¶ÆÀ ÀÌÁ÷ (2023.12)
- ±è¿µ¿ì GS°Ç¼³ °ÇÃ౸Á¶ÆÀ ÀÌÁ÷ (2023.12)
- Á¶Àº¼± ¹Ú»çÁß°£¹ßÇ¥ (2023.12)
- Á¶Àº¼±, International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS) ¹ßÇ¥ (2023.11)
- À±ÁØ¿µ(¼®»ç°úÁ¤) ÀÔÇÐ (2023.09)
- ±èÅ¿À ¹Ú»ç, ´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ Ãá°è Çмú¹ßÇ¥´ëȸ ¿ì¼ö¹ßÇ¥³í¹®»ó ¼ö»ó (2023.04)
- ¹ÚÀ̽½ °áÈ¥ (2023.04)
- ÇÑ»óȯ ±³¼ö Çѱ¹ÁöÁø°øÇÐȸ ȸÀå ÃëÀÓ (2023.03)
- ±¸¼öÇö, Çѱ¹ÁöÁø°øÇÐȸ Ãá°è Çмú¹ßǥȸ ¿ì¼ö³í¹®»ó ¼ö»ó (2023.03)

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